a rory.

stories my ma tells.

it's my brother's birthday and my ma, my grandma and me are out on a walk.
so ma tells this story: when you were a little girl [and it was only me and you living together], every time you took a bath I would join you and sit on the floor next to you and we would phantasize about our dream home... what we would do if we'd win the lottery. and even at that age (5, 6) you wanted to have your very own library
I was a little Rory, I was.

and then I ask: what was it that you wanted? a round bed or a round bathtub? no, wait, isn't a round bed really, really bad in feng shui?
Ma: yes, they say when you get a round bed you're bringing a relationship killer in your home... but that I already am without a round bed!
this moment was relieving. ma was surprised about her own joke and laughed, I giggled and grandma had to stop walking, bended over and just laughed her snorting laugh I love so much. [I actually inherited it, when it's late and I'm really excited I laugh like this. snorting.]


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