young folks.

I understand them now, those books in sweden teaching youg women how not to suffer from a burn-out at thirty, we understand it. it's one of the main reasons why I don't want to start working right away after my studies. I want to travel and feel free, because I know myself. I know my working self and it can be horrible.
last term of 4-5 year studies, a teaching job and a university job. both with a whole lot of responsibility. if I don't work, the children learn nothing. if I don't work, the journal won't ever get published.
If I don't, if I don't, the world will stop turning.

I want someone to tell me that the world won't stop turning, someone to stroke the shortest part of my hair in the neck where it's both soft and rough.

we've made a plan for our weeks. a schedule for working, reading, studying, grocery shopping and meeting friends.

we will make it through this winter.


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