salmon dance

I started writing here and then I decided to quit to switch once again, to wordpress, and then I thought it's useless, I want to have a tumblr, but that I never find the time for.

today I have to write, I somehow have to.
I don't really now where this sudden depression came from. it's the dream, maybe, I will write about that, too.

it's just one of those days where I wonder why the hell no woman is hitting on me. maybe I look straight. maybe I don't look like someone anyone would want to flirt with, ask out, what so ever. I am shy with women and I like shy women at the moment, so that's pretty fucked up. but I wonder and wonder and wonder and then I can't cross the street without some idiot honking his horn at me.
I would wish the idiot to be a woman, just once.

it didn't help that I had to take some verbal shit from a friend who I don't want to call a friend anymore this year either. the short version is "look at you, you look so straight, why do you do that, you know that noone is gonna hit on you like that?" basically it's my fault that I'm not trying to look like everyone else/ something that wouldn't fit me. that was the same woman who, last year, told me that I should stop complaining, there would seriously be SO MANY women out there who'd be pretty much into "my type".
ok then.

maybe it IS about the dream. I met the dreamgirl again, but that was almost two weeks ago.
yesterday her roommate said something. when the soccer team I am a fan of came up he said "that's why you got along so well with a." huh. got along so well. right. (it wasn't just me then)

but I dreamed again and this time the dream wasn't even nice. I have the feeling that I already know her. like the pile of shoes outside of her room, I kinda really know that. I don't forget things like that... but. (at first I thought shit, two pairs of shoes. but then I noticed there weren't four, but five shoes. haha)
so this night I dreamt that she handed me her old yearbook from school, which was rather complicated, and tried to make me find her. I didn't. I couldn't. she wouldn't help me but insisted I find her, I just had to see her, I would understand it had been easy all this time when I was searching and searching and searching.
then I moved. I moved to a flat that looked like a holiday home. nice, but nothing I'd usually move into. her roommate and she were in charge of the appartments. he gave me the first set of keys, than we all looked at another, bigger flat were some rich kid was having her birthday party.
then a., the dreamgirl, wanted me and my friend to help her with her next lesson (wtf, I'm the teacher!), so we had to cut out exercises so that she could make sheets. I thought to myself "she is even worse than me with these sheets and stuff", but I cut it all wrong. I couldn't make it right, once again.
in the end I noticed there was another room in my appartment that I hadn't gotten a key for, and she was in charge of that room. I asked her about the key and she said "oh, the keys are already there, they're in the closet"
IN THE CLOSET. get it?

oh happy day.

Postat av: Jon

Shit. That's some psychedelic shit.

You should give me the swedish live storytelling aswell, so that I doubtlessly get all the details =)


2010-11-03 @ 20:14:46

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